
Flood Mitigation and Road Improvements

Project Overview

KGS Group was retained by Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS) to carry out the conceptual design for flood protection works for Fort William Historical Park (FWHP) in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

The objective for this project is to revisit the 2015 Flood Mitigation Project Plan and recommendations and provide a concept design to protect the site against flooding from Kaministiquia River flows corresponding to the peak water level experienced on May 8, 2022. The peak recorded water level for the May 8, 2022, flooding was approximately El. 185.63 m which is roughly a flood with a 1 in 5 year return period. The proposed work will include raising the ground elevation at discrete low areas along the west section of the property and raising the existing ground elevation along River Road located to the eastern section of the park.


A 2015 Flood Mitigation Project Plan was prepared for the site which included detailed design and Environmental Assessment for flood protection works. The detailed design was based on flood protection for a 1 in 100-year flood. MTCS has decided to revise the flood protection design level to approximately a 1 in 5-year flood, to minimize the extent and impacts of the required flood protection works on the site.

KGS Group has revised the hydraulic assessment based in the revised flood protection level, and the details are contained within the Hydraulic Assessment of Flood Protection for Fort William Historical Park prepared by KGS Group, dated March 7, 2023.

Based on the hydraulic assessment, the flood mitigation and road improvement works will include raising River Road (east side of park) between 0 and 0.5 m with an average raise of 0.3 m and the west trail between
0 and 0.5 m with an average raise of 0.2 m.

For more information or to provide comments, please email [email protected]